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5 Uses for the Magic Wand

Authors: Tanja Damhof & Author 2 name

Tanja Damhof: Webshop owner and mother

Author 2 name: Intro text author: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi egestas fermentum ipsum, id pulvinar dui suscipit sed. Praesent ultricies, libero vehicula egestas bibendum, libero urna vulputate arcu, et sagittis magna purus et libero. Class apt taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc pellentesque tempor tellus lacinia congue.

"What do you actually do with this magic wand?
Sometimes it seems like a little craze... at the moment the magic wands are going really fast. I'm always very curious what's causing that..."

This call on Facebook resulted in wonderful play suggestions :)

How happy I am with you, thank you!

1. Conversation starter
"I ask children who come to my practice what they would like to conjure up. Very nice conversations result from that:)"

"I use it as a talking stick in the circle. The child holding it can talk and the rest are silent."

2. Relax
"My daughter takes it with her as a distraction during visits to the hospital. This stick is literally her support."

"To de-stress. Sit quietly somewhere with a wand and watch the glitter drift down."

"I use it when children are thinking about something difficult, lying/sitting on the treatment table or when they want to relax for a moment at the beginning or end of a session when I talk to the parents."

3. Craft idea
"If you decorate a toilet roll or kitchen roll nicely and make a hole right through it, you can stick the magic wand through it.
Look through the toilet roll (preferably towards a window or lamp) at the wand while turning it and you will have a beautiful kaleidoscope."

4. Fantasy
"Our children use them to play fairy or wizard."

"To make all the little aches and pains and sorrows go away or just be a very beautiful (carnival) fairy."

bigjigs magic wand

5. Sensorimotor
"I think this is very good for sensorimotor skills. Childminders often use bottles with materials in them."
For example, these sensory tubes

Be careful though!
"The child it's for loves it! But so do the other two! And friends and cousins...
I'm mainly busy vacuuming those balls out from between my parquet. My kids love them but they're too rough with them, hitting them and such. So eventually it breaks and then the balls go all over the floor. But I see that this one has glitter.... that's also fun!!" (to vacuum up with the vacuum cleaner ;)