Customer account with magic link
This login system uses a so-called "magic link" or "magic code" for verification. Here's a summary and explanation of how it works:
- No password required: Instead of a fixed password, use your email address to log in.
- Email verification code: Enter your email address every time you want to log in. You will then receive a magical 6-digit code in your email.
- Access to your account: Use the received code to log in and access your customer account.
- Convenience: You don't have to remember a password.
- Security: It reduces the risk of password theft as there is no fixed password that can be hacked.
- Accessibility: Quick and easy login, especially useful for people who have trouble remembering passwords.
Possible disadvantages
- Email access required: You always need access to your email account to log in.
- Email Delays: If there is a delay in receiving the email, it may delay the login process.

Tips voor gebruik
Zorg ervoor dat je e-mailadres correct is ingevoerd en up-to-date is.
Controleer je spam- of junkmap als je de code niet ziet in je inbox.
Houd je e-mailinbox gereed voor snelle toegang bij het inloggen.
Dit systeem kan de gebruikerservaring verbeteren door inloggen eenvoudiger en sneller te maken, terwijl het tegelijkertijd de beveiliging verhoogt door de eliminatie van statische wachtwoorden.