Meet the authors of the "multi-author" blog
Read the enthusiastic stories of therapists, teachers and parents about their experiences with our motor play material. Let their insights inspire you!
Tanja Damhof
Born 1975 in southern Germany. Moved to the Netherlands for love. Together parents of the four sweetest children in the world. Bilingual upbringing. Webshop owner (Toys42hands is my fifth child). Loves sun, summer and gardening (nice black soil under the fingernails). Autism, ADHD and CP are children at home. Crafting in all shapes and colors (enjoy how the children pick it up and give it their own twist). Tea drinker. More time to read again since the children are older and then completely dives into the stories (recommended: Buntschatten und Fledermäuse by Axel Brauns). Dyslexia in the family. Enjoys the weekly body balance lesson with Jeffrey. Likes to be in the kitchen to bake and cook and then enjoys eating together (recently at a round outdoor table, highly recommended). How about surprises. Just act normal mentality.
Marieke la Verge
I am Marieke la Verge, proud mother of 3 sons (6,8 and 10 years old), Exercise Therapist Cesar and children's exercise therapist in my practice in Werkendam. As a children's exercise therapist, I support children in their motor and sensory development by playing with them. This gives them the opportunity to expand their movement possibilities and grow their self-confidence. In addition, I give parents/guardians, pedagogical staff and teachers tailor-made advice to create a safe but at the same time challenging environment for children. I have a great and broad interest in people, movement, children and playing. Through this blog I want to offer inspiration in a positive and honest way so that as many children as possible can (learn to) move well!
Website link: Beweegwereld
Instagram & Facebook
Angela Rozema
I am Angela Rozema- van Koeveringe, an occupational therapist specialized in children and young adults up to about 20 years old. In my primary care practice in Leeuwarden I treat exclusively this target group. In addition to treatment and guidance I also provide many courses, parent evenings and workshops for education and parents.
In addition, I am the mother of 2 beautiful girls aged 7 and 3. Both at home and in my practice, I am often busy with games and playing. I see playing as the most important activity for children in the broadest sense of the word; from crafting, discovering, building, digging, feeling, etc. etc. Toys42hands is a treasure trove for me! Not only because of the range, but also because of the inspiring way of offering and giving tips on the materials. I would like to contribute to this via this blog. Enjoy reading!
Website link: www.ergotherapieangelarozema.nl , facebook , linkedin & twitter
Els Rengenhart
My name is Els Rengenhart and I have been treating children and adults with sensory processing problems (also called sensorimotor integration , sensory integration or sensory information processing) as an occupational therapist for about forty years. I have gained some of this experience working for children's rehabilitation centres and partly as an independent occupational therapist in my practice in Groningen.
The treatments of the children and sometimes also of adults consisted largely of simple games or activities. These games and activities are described together with other practical information about stimulus processing on the website www.sensomotorische-integratie.nl I hope to make a positive contribution to the daily routine of a child with stimulus processing or sensorimotor integration problems. I hope that the advice, activities and games contribute to you having more fun together with your child and that life becomes more fun for you and your child.
In 1972 I won a scholarship from the American Association for Occupational Therapy. As a result, I traveled around America for three months and became acquainted with A. Jean Ayres and her treatment method - sensory integration. From 1975 to 2012 I taught various courses in sensorimotor integration, especially for paramedics. As a teacher I was associated with various NDT (Bobath) courses for a long time.
I am currently available for video analysis, training, supervision and as a consultant in the field of sensorimotor integration and also work as such for the CCE (Center for Consultation and Expertise).
I am married to Bart de Vries. We have two adult sons and two grandsons.
Sanne Peters and Hanneke Geerts
We, Sanne Peters and Hanneke Geerts, are the founders of Breinprikkels. We have both been in front of the class for many years (regular and special). After that, we started training in the field of motor development, reflex integration and psychomotor skills. We are currently both working in our own practice and are also working on the Breinprikkels movement method. During the years that we have been in front of the class, we have seen more and more children get stuck. Skills such as reading, automating, concentrating, writing and the correct sitting posture are becoming a challenge for an increasing number of children. A growing number of children are becoming frustrated. In short; there are more and more children who require a lot of attention in the classroom in all kinds of ways. In recent years, we have learned through training and experience in our practice that many of these children have a gap in their development, namely in the development of motor skills and the integration of primary reflexes. Our society is changing (children play outside less) and is becoming increasingly performance-oriented (we are already teaching our toddlers letters). We are convinced that these high expectations at such a young age put a lot of pressure on a part of the young children who are still developing. We should not force development by expecting children in nursery school to practice things that they are not yet ready for given their development, we have to wait until they are ready to learn. We have developed the movement method Breinprikkels to reach as many children as possible and to give them a good basis for further development and school learning.
Links to: www.breinprikkels.nl , facebook & instagram
Simone van Veen-Nieuwenhuis
I am Simone van Veen-Nieuwhuis, married and mother of two children. I have worked for 20 years with great enthusiasm as a teacher in primary education and since 2012 I have my own practice 'de Jutter Coaching' in which I guide children together with their parents.
Children are in my heart and always have been. As a former teacher, but also as a mother, I know how important it is to be heard, seen and understood when your child's development is different than expected or hoped.
I have been 'collecting' my entire life in the form of finding things such as: stones, shells, beautiful pieces of wood, old household goods, etc. I still collect, but now also in the form of special encounters and knowledge. What I collect is pure and natural, especially if the solution can be found there! This is also how I came into contact with Toys42hands: the solution to stimulate a child's development does not always have to be complicated, but often lies in the pleasure of simplicity. It fits in beautifully with my vision of how I view problems myself. For me, movement, learning, behavior and health are all connected, just like the connection between the child and its parents. These connections show me again and again that the solution is often obvious, resulting in a smile on their faces 😊.
Links: www.dejuttercoaching.nl , instagram , facebook , youtube & linkedin
Jorieke Kroeze
Jorieke Kroeze offers courses to highly sensitive children and highly sensitive children with a strong will and their parents.
Links: www.joriekekroeze.nl , Facebook , Instagram & LinkedIn
Bianca Oldenbeuving
Bianca Oldenbeuving is the brain behind JufBianca.nl , a website where she inspires teachers to get the best out of children, in a way that suits toddlers. She works as a teacher, educational author and gives workshops on various subjects. Playing and discovering are her top priorities!
Links: https://jufbianca.nl/ , facebook , pinterest , twitter & instagram
Stephanie Harms
My name is Stephanie Harms, pediatric physiotherapist and pediatric pelvic physiotherapist. I was born and raised in the municipality of Emmen, which makes me feel very connected to this region. I experience the most pleasure when a child is proud of what he has already learned or can do (again) and when a child comes to my practice with pleasure. Because I have worked at various schools for almost 10 years (regular primary, special primary and special education), I have been given the title of 'writing teacher' by many children, but I also have a lot of experience in treating a wide variety of children. Think of children with syndromes, ADHD, autism, language development disorders and much more.
Links: www.fysikids.nl , Facebook & LinkedIn
Iris Douven
I am Iris Douven and mother of 2 beautiful children. My daughter Dewi is 8 years old and my son Jesse is 4 years old. In the puzzle quest for my daughter I came across visual thinking. All the puzzle pieces fell into place. Not only for her but also for me.
After my puzzle tour I dare say that I have completed a 4-year education, I have scoured so many books, articles and videos. I am now a certified coach of the learning method 'I learn differently' and of the 'Learning to Learn Method' and I am far from finished learning. I want to learn all the knowledge, methods that can work for the visually thinking student and then share this knowledge.
This is how my practice Beelddenkerslerenzo came into being
Links: http://beelddenkerslerenzo.nl/ , linkedin & facebook
Miriam Otten
Self-care – every child deserves it!
As a mother, teacher and highly sensitive person, I only learned later in life what stimuli are and how they play tricks on me. Recognizing boundaries and acting accordingly was new territory for me. How I would have loved to have learned that at an early stage at school!
I developed the total concept of the Stiltehuisjes from all my experiences. Not only as a mother and teacher, but also as a person, child coach, supervisor of HSK, visual thinking expert and co-concept developer at educational publisher Zwijsen. With the total concept of the Stiltehuisjes I hope to provide for the basic need of every child to be able to relax, take themselves seriously and take care of themselves. I also want to give teachers tools to guide children in this. In this way you get the best out of every child!
Links: https://destiltehuisjes.nl/ , facebook & linkedin
Petra Middag-Broks
My name is Petra Middag-Broks. Together with my husband and two daughters I live in the beautiful Drenthe village of Zuidwolde. I have my own practice for child occupational therapy and coaching for learning disabilities: 'This is how I can learn'.
I know from experience that it can be quite a challenge to find good play and teaching materials for children that match both their abilities and their world of experience. By sharing my experiences with the Toys42hands material via this blog, I hope to make the search easier for you. to make the search for the right material a little easier.
Links: www.zokanikleren.nl , LinkedIn & Facebook
Karin de Boon
My name is Karin de Boon. I started working in early treatment in child rehabilitation in 2002. Then in 2011 I started my own practice KAAT! for children aged 0-12. Children's Occupational Therapy Advice Amsterdam Home! We now work with 4 occupational therapists with great pleasure to various requests for help wherever the child can learn to have fun, must learn to concentrate or wants to become self-reliant. The starting point is that behind every problem there is a solution, by means of a skill to be learned or an adjustment possibility. KAAT! works throughout Amsterdam and Amstelveen with children, parents and supervisors.
Links: www.kinderergotherapieamsterdam.nl
Marijke Otten
Praxis für Logopädie Marijke Otten am Markt in Erkelenz. With our friends, we will have a well-founded life! Since 25 years we have been developing our skills in speech and stimulation therapy. Unsere tägliche Motivation und eenser ganzes Engagement gilt der Entwicklung und Entfaltung der spachlichen und stimmlichen Fähigkeiten – die Basic human communication und Identität. We treat children, youth and youth. Please feel free to contact us with us. We'll have friends with you!
Links: https://logopaedie-otten.de , facebook , pinterest , twitter & instagram
Majella van 't Hul
My name is Majella van 't Hul, married and mother of 4 children, of which the two oldest have now left home. We live in Hengelo (Ov.) in the beautiful Twente landscape.
Since 2014 I have been working as an outpatient counselor for Koninklijke Kentalis in Enschede. Before that I worked for almost 10 years with children from the cluster 3 target group. Children with a motor disability or chronic illness often experience difficulties in learning to write. During that time I have immersed myself in this field and specialized. I obtained my diploma as a writing specialist in 2010 in Amsterdam. It has always fascinated me how the process of learning to write takes place in the total development of a child.
In today's society, the use of smartphones, tablets and computers has become indispensable. Why would you still learn to write these days? Because writing is more than a written means of communication! The motor aspect of this skill is a very unjustified, almost neglected part of today's primary education. I have already written several articles about this. Especially in this time when it is so easy to convey a message digitally, it is crucial to continue writing.
That is partly why I started my own practice 'Grip op Schrijven' in 2015, in which I emphasise the importance of writing and hope that I can convince schools of its usefulness. In that context, I am very happy with webshops such as Toys42Hands by Tanja Damhof. It is really full of materials that can be used to stimulate gross and fine motor skills. Materials that I can in turn draw the attention of schools to when they are looking for something. I would say take advantage of the many blogs that can already be found there. I will certainly and with great pleasure also contribute to them!
Link: linkedin
So I am Marian, married and mother of two great children: Manon (19) and Thijs (17). I have been working in Special Primary Education for 25 years, where I have taught in several groups. About ten years ago my own children were at the age that I wanted to work more than 2 days. Because there was no room for extra work at school, I started my own practice for Remedial Teaching: Kijk wat ik al kan. There I initially helped children aged 6-12. After a while, questions also came from former students who wanted help with mathematics, because their mathematics teacher did not explain it very well or at least not in a way that they understood it.
At the moment I work 1 day fixed at the SBo and 4 days in/from my practice. I am hired by parents to help their child with one or more components. Schools increasingly hire me because they are at a loss with one or more students. I am lucky that I can work with students at the school during school hours. Better for the student (because during school hours and less time out of the classroom because the student does not have to go to the practice) and there are short lines of communication with the teacher.
In all those years I have immersed myself in visual thinking, visual screening, playing and moving learning. Since 2018 I may also call myself a Psychomotor Children's Coach, because a student is not only arithmetic-reading-spelling.
Since the beginning of 2020 I also make downloads for Onderwijswereld-po because I would like to see more teachers use playful and active learning. In 2021 I started a webshop with a colleague RT with downloadable materials for the upper grades because there is often less available for that in the trade.
Links: www.kijkwatikalkan.nl & facebook
Jantine Booij
My name is Jantine Booij and I work as a pediatric physiotherapist at the pediatric physiotherapy practice Fysie op Kids.
As a pediatric physiotherapist I treat children from 0 to 18 years old.
The younger children at home and the older children in our practice.
There are various reasons why parents come to our practice with their son or daughter. This can be for example a preferred posture of a baby to posture problems of a teenager. Or a baby who has difficulty grabbing toys in the playpen to problems with fine motor skills in primary school. Various ages with different requests for help.
Because I work at different locations, you can imagine that my car is sometimes a mobile practice with the trunk full of games and exercise materials.
Despite the full trunk, there is always a search for new practice material.
I am lucky that one of our locations in Zuidlaren is where Tanja has her warehouse. For the children but also for myself it is fun to be able to vary with practice materials or try something new. Also nice to spar with her to see if she has any fun or new practice materials for a specific problem.
Jantine Booij is a pediatric physiotherapist at Fysie op Kids.
The practice has several locations in Drenthe and Groningen.
Links: www.kinderfysiotherapie-praktijk.nl & linkedin
Heidi Alaerts
Heidi Alaerts, mother of 3 (20 – 17 and 16 years old), nursery teacher for 4-year-olds and child coach in my practice Kleuterkracht.
Fine motor skills have been a common thread in my life since the birth of my youngest son, who had quite a few challenges ahead of him.
I like to use game materials out of the box, to get more out of it than the game idea itself. I write down my knowledge and experiences in my E-books.
My toddlers and the children in my practice are my sources of inspiration. Their reactions always put me on the right track to assess the power of materials.
Left: instagram

New Blog Writer
Do YOU feel like writing on a blog? Here is a spot especially for you!!!
Tina Boesmans
I am Tina Boesmans ErgoTina, occupational therapist for children and young people. I provide occupational therapy at home in Rotselaar, Leuven and surroundings. I provide occupational therapy to children with learning and developmental problems. Both difficulties that occur at home, at school and in another environment. The goal of occupational therapy includes increasing independence, development and well-being.
I am specialized in:
- fine motor skills
- drawing and writing problems
- lateralization
- high sensitivity before, during and after school
- high sensitivity and fears, changes, concentration, behavior
- autism: what is it, how to deal with it, increasing play and communication
- stimulus processing
- decrease in sensory profile
- visual thinking
- Difficulties with automation
- Arithmetic problems in primary school
- Visual-spatial insight
- Difficulties with school skills in kindergarten and primary school
- Self-reliance
Links: www.ergotina.be , facebook & instagram
I am a mother and our youngest son was born with a special perception. He is autistic. So I had to - or rather, I was allowed to - walk special paths as a mother. We have been supporting our son for many years with a wide range of therapies.
In sensory integration therapy I was confronted with the importance of promoting depth perception and senses. On the advice of our therapist I started looking for objects that were both heavy and soft. I couldn’t find anything suitable, so I sewed a stuffed animal for my son and filled it with quartz sand.
That was the birth of my first weight animal.
I then showed them to our therapist. She was enthusiastic and encouraged me to sew for others, because many children, with and without disabilities, have a great need and feel that the heavy animals support and positively influence the development of the child.
Our preschool said, “The weight animals are educationally valuable.”
I quickly realized the potential of my weight animals. The potential of the weight animals to support people in their depth perception and their own perception. The potential to give young and old real childlike pleasure and to integrate pedagogical and therapeutic methods in a playful way into everyday life. The potential to help my son and others move forward.
As a mother affected by this, I know first-hand what is important to help highly sensitive, overstimulated and/or restless children. All of this went into product development and inspired me to create a variety of designs and their technical implementation.
My vision has taken concrete shape and is constantly evolving. I want to make a difference with my company on many levels and support people who need help with my weight animals.
Links: www.elja.at , instagram & facebook

Corina de Boer-Vreeke
My name is Corina de Boer-Vreeke. Besides being a wife and proud mother of two daughters (2002 and 2005), I am a trainer for and owner of Touching Child Care (TCC). I enjoy giving training and workshops on mutual child massage and touch play .
What mutual child massage and touch play does with children always impresses me. Connection, relaxation, peace… That is what I felt when I played touch games with my daughters when they were little. That is what I experience when I play a massage story read in a group. That healing and connecting power of positive, respectful touch is what I want to share with the world…
My mission is to introduce as many people as possible to the positive effects of mutual child massage and touch play in order to make the world a little more beautiful.
I get very enthusiastic about the materials from Toys42hands, for example from the Senses > feeling and touch section. They help children develop their sense of touch and develop a healthy body awareness. What are the benefits of this? More about that in the blogs that I will write for this beautiful, useful, educational blogspot of Toys42hands.
Link: linkedin

Judith Nederpel
It's strange, you know, that as a mother and as a therapist you wear a different hat while you are busy with the same activity. At home at the kitchen table with the children around me, my patience sometimes seems hard to find. While at my work as a pediatric physiotherapist with handicapped children I can't be driven crazy. My creativity also seems to be linked to that patience. Fortunately, my impatient days at home are an exception! Calmly watching a child, I come up with all kinds of exercise ideas. Often I don't even know in advance what exactly we are going to do and I let the course of the game or activity depend on the possibilities, interest and focus of the child. The funny thing is that on the one hand I see game possibilities everywhere, but at the same time I am also very critical in purchasing materials and toys. I can look at some websites that inspire me with delight. I am then as happy as a child when what I ordered is delivered by the post. They are still a kind of presents, so a small party is in order. Even when I order things for my work, it feels that way. On the other hand, I can also get depressed by many a flyer that I see at home between the advertising leaflets. Toys that can only be used in one way and that leave little room for a bit of playfulness. Sometimes it is quite difficult that critical look, especially for my children.... They like everything that shines, makes a sound and has buttons, but yes, mom thinks differently about that. Luckily they also have a father! And that applies to me too, because through him I also learn to look at toys in a different way. In this way I am always and everywhere stimulated... by websites, my home front, colleagues, the children I treat, magazines... Hopefully, with my critical and creative look, I can sometimes also be that little stimulus for others via this blog, so that you can let your imagination run wild, because that is where the nicest things come from!

Karin Stolk
Kee that's me: Karin Stolk, mother of 3 beautiful children. My initials are KEE, which is why my children's practice is called 'Bij Kee'.
I have been a primary school teacher for 25 years. I still enjoy teaching very much, but I find it increasingly interesting to search for a child's own strength together with them. Who are you, what do you like and what are your qualities and talents? What do you need to use these in the world around you?
I see more and more children who experience problems in their development in various areas, both cognitive and behavioral. These children are quickly labeled because in an investigation often only the symptoms are looked at. The cause is then not addressed and the problem persists.
For example, a child with reading problems may have a problem with the cooperation of the eyes, or a reflex may still be present, which means that the reading process does not proceed as we would expect. Usually, this child often has to practice extra, make reading meters, but this only results in more frustration and reluctance because the cause remains.
Kinderpraktijk bij Kee is looking for 'the challenge' for this child. The challenge is the cause of these problems, and to master them we will work on this. Only in this way can you get out of the vicious circle and when a child feels good and has peace in his/her body, it will start learning again.
In primary education, there are more and more children with a challenge, both in the area of learning and in the area of development. This is how I developed the desire to develop myself in the possibilities to be able to offer help to children with a challenge. A children's practice that is there especially for the child, to help him or her to master his or her challenge and thus develop a solid foundation that he or she can continue to build on for the rest of their lives... that is what I would like to offer.
That's why I started looking for courses that fit my mission. I found them and I've already completed a large part, but there are so many beautiful things to learn that I'm far from finished learning.
Every child is unique, every child has his or her own challenge and every child therefore has his or her own request for help. At Kee there are therefore various possibilities, but more about that can be read on the page offer.
Links: www.bijkee.nl , facebook , linkedin & instagram
My name is Chantal (1977), I love pink, tulips, the sea and sunsets, Austria, writing and reading. And of course children.
Besides being the mother of two children, I am also a child coach in my own practice 'Eigenwens'.
With great passion for the profession of child coaching and with genuine involvement, I look with the children at their 'own wishes'.
In my practice we mainly see children who:
- Experiencing stress or tension
- To have a full head
- Want more self-confidence or a better self-image
- Worrying a lot or being bothered by their thoughts
It is not surprising that these, often sensitive, children have difficulty with today's society, which moves so fast. There are so many stimuli to process and a lot is expected of these young people.
More adults than ever are walking around with burnout or burnout-like symptoms. Children can also suffer from this overstimulation.
In my guidance there is of course chatting, but even more we are busy with creative and playful activities. With talking you are still mainly busy in your head and that is exactly the place where the peace is so necessary.
The materials from www.toys42hands.nl can be of great help here.
'I wish every child a happy heart...'
By inspiring parents, colleagues, childminders and other educators and professionals through various workshops (including COACHEE! & overstimulation) and presentations, I hope to reach as many children as possible.
Bernarda Geurtzen
I am a group teacher in (special) primary education, owner of Basic4kids and above all mother of Isis (13 years old) and Timme (8 years old).
Started in special education almost twenty years ago. Within those seven years I made a detour to a daycare center. There I was allowed to supervise a pilot group of children with a developmental level of up to 24 months with the aim of converting the children's requests for help into an educational offer. After seven years I started as a substitute teacher in (special) primary education. A conscious choice because I wanted to combine my work with studying. And that's what I did. Internal supervision, remedial teaching, child coaching. All these studies together ensured that I started my own business in 2011. My practice Basic4Kids was a fact. For a new daycare center that was to be started, I then started writing a curriculum for 0 - 4 years with learning to learn as the common thread. At the moment I supervise primary schools that want to start a toddler group in school and want to implement the curriculum. I still substitute at primary schools and am in the third year of the 'Mediated Learning' training at Stibco.
I work developmentally and believe that every child develops regardless of development perspective.
With my blogs I want to 'feed' parents, educators and teachers with background information that can help them in guiding children. For the child it is playing but with the extra information you can perhaps do a little more or notice a development in the child that otherwise might remain 'hidden'.
Link: linkedin
Claudia Benmesahel-Kruidbos
My name is Claudia Benmesahel-Kruidbos,
I am married and have 2 wonderful but completely different children, the oldest gifted and the youngest multiply handicapped. They always present me with a new challenge and show me that there is always a possibility to learn.
Since 2010 I have my own practice in which I offer learning and parenting support to children and parents. In addition, I work at various schools where I not only guide the children but also the teachers.
In my spare time I am chairman of Speelotheek Ketelbinkie and regional contact person for the VSN (Association of Toy Libraries in the Netherlands).
Since 2012, my colleague Marjon and I have been supervising the Bolleboos project, which offers children who need “a little bit more” a challenging hour every Wednesday afternoon.
We use the games from my practice for this.
“The moment I stop learning, I limit a child in his development because of my lack of knowledge.”
Link: www.leerdenken.nl
Astrid Worst
My name is Astrid Worst. Proud mother of a daughter and a son. I was a teacher in primary education for 20 years. Then I started my practice Goed Gelukt to help children further develop their talents. There is often much more behind the learning challenges. My passion lies in learning through movement.
My challenge is to clarify the request for help and to search for the right answers together. Children should grow up carefree.
The problem is the solution.
When a child gets stuck at school or at home and makes little or no progress, it may be a good idea to look at the problem from a different perspective.
Important factors that can disrupt the learning process:
- The development of the eyes.
- Physical development, including balance, primary reflexes, spatial insight and lateralization.
- The influence of stress.
With the help of an extensive screening and a practice and stimulation program tailored to the child, the obstacles are first removed and then the backlogs are made up. This has a positive effect on the self-confidence and well-being of the child.
The exercises almost always consist of movement and play, using various materials and techniques such as therapy balls, trampoline, reflex integration and brain gym exercises. I also like to continue developing myself. For example, I regularly follow interesting courses to help children further on their path.
My slogan is: Learning through movement and play, then you will succeed.
Kirsten van Daelen of der Schoot
My name is Kirsten van Daelen van der Schoot and I am the mother of Joppe (1 year old). I am a movement specialist for young children and with my company Beweegrijk I try to help as many children as possible to a solid motor foundation. Beweegrijk offers movement lessons to children from 1.5 to 4 years old. The lessons focus on the motor development of children, but of course also on having a lot of fun with movement! The goal is for children to eventually experience the fun in movement but also to create a good dose of self-confidence. In addition, I train pedagogical staff so that movement can be integrated more and better into daily life at the daycare center. During my lessons and the training courses that I give, I like to use challenging and distinctive material. I therefore really enjoy blogging about this and presenting my findings.
Sharon Wing
I am Sharon Vleugel, primary school teacher, graduated play supervisor and mother of Nine and Stella. In addition to my work in education, I have worked with disabled children, in a toy library and in a large toy store. I currently work in the children's ward of a hospital. I think it is very important that children can be children and play happily. From the play supervisor I help children who have difficulty playing, but I am also always looking for good and original play material. You can do anything while playing! Have fun, enjoy, learn, grow, mess around, laugh, cry, move, ... I want to share the knowledge I have acquired through my website www.spelspeelspelen.nl , because playing is not something you do alone, it is something you do together!
An Luyten
The story of SAM started from the search for low-stimulus clothing for my own highly sensitive son. From the focus groups with experts and experienced experts, in function of the development of the SAM products, I learned that many children are also looking for extra stimuli to be able to regulate themselves better.
And yes, only when we feel good about ourselves will we be able to optimally use our talents and come to learning. Hence the importance of a stimulus balance in equilibrium.
Then I also understood the behavior of my own children better. Instead of asking them to stop fiddling with their clothes, the table, everything within reach,… Or chewing on clothes, pen caps, nails,… I understood that it was better to offer them an alternative.
This is how the ZEN accessories from SAM came into being, which are a nice, subtle addition that matches the low-stimulus clothing and which offer a nice alternative and keep our clothing, pen caps & nails safe.
Links: www.samsensoryclothing.com , facebook , pinterest & instagram
Anne de Vos
My name is Anne de Vos. I am the mother of Lotte, who is already 4 years old. Before Lotte was born, I worked as a (care) teacher in regular and special primary education and as an outpatient counselor for children with psychiatric and behavioral problems, such as autism and ADHD. Now I am a 'stay-at-home mom' and I enjoy the time with my daughter to the fullest. I really enjoy reading (mainly English) blogs about playing and learning through play. I then give my own twist to what I come across there to do at home with Lotte, whereby I connect with her interests and preferences at that moment. I like to purchase beautiful, versatile, educational toys, such as Playmobil or toys that you find in the assortment of Toys42Hands, for example. In addition, I find it a challenge to use as much as possible items that are already present in most households (or that you can get for a song at stores like Action), combined with free materials and other craft materials. In my pieces on this blog I want to share the ideas that I get and try out at home with Lotte with other parents, in the hope that they will get inspired and also start playing with their children at home.
Karen Mee
My name is Karen Mee (29). I study science education and communication and I also love sports, playing games, cooking, reading, crocheting and writing. I have a daughter, Lin (6). Due to a lack of oxygen at birth, she has cerebral palsy (brain damage). As a result, she is in a wheelchair, but that does not stop her from being very cheerful in life. Because of her disability, we are always looking for toys that she can use as much as possible. I write about our experiments with this on the Toys42Hands blog in the hope of facilitating the search for suitable material for other parents.

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Linda Kellerer
My name is Linda, mother of two now adult children, and I live in beautiful Bavaria.
After years of experience as a secretary, I ended up in the agricultural sector.
In my work with farmers and agricultural specialists I learned to appreciate the value of agricultural products more and more. When my mother developed severe arthritis in her fingers a few years ago, her doctor also treated her with rapeseed. The rapeseed massages helped her enormously.
Since then I have been delving more and more into the medicinal properties of this special plant.
Now I am happy to make rapeseed accessible to patients and therapists.