Balance bird: back to balance with focus
Author: Jorieke Kroeze
Support for highly sensitive children
Sometimes you come across something you weren't looking for, but which turns out to be indispensable.
For me this is absolutely true for the Balans finger bird.
Rising tension
In my practice I see many highly sensitive children where tension increases during the day.
They are tense, have hunched shoulders and are breathing rapidly.
Tension out
Giving it some vigorous movement will help to release the tension.
What makes it difficult is that it can sometimes be a challenge to calmly start playing again or to start working at the table.
They often do not yet feel how they can regain control and switch from large movements to finer movements such as writing.

Peace again with the balance bird
That's when I use the Balance finger bird.
At first it evokes disbelief, because such a large bird can't possibly balance on the tip of your finger without falling off, can it?
By focusing on the finger bird and letting them discover how it works, their breathing slows down and you see beaming faces when they figure out how to balance the bird on their finger.
Very nice to use in between.
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