Home / The Adventurous Ninja Catapult: Keep Moving and Have Fun

The Adventurous Ninja Catapult: Keep Moving and Have Fun

Author: Sanne and Hanneke

Founders of Brain Stimuli

This catapult is simple, easy and challenges children to keep moving

The catapult consists of a board with a holder for the catapult, 6 'ninja corks' and a net to catch the ninjas. It's great that the corks represent ninjas, they appeal to the imagination of children. This is one of the reasons why this material challenges children to keep playing with it.

Balance and Strength Exercises

When the material is used as a catapult, the children practice their balance by standing on one leg and then landing on the board with the right force . This makes the ninjas jump into the air. While playing with this material, it can be seen that children are increasingly better at regulating their strength and also standing on one leg becomes easier. Repetition ensures that they succeed.
By placing other materials on the board, such as bean bags, you can practice force regulation again.

Practice eye-hand coordination

Catching the ninjas with the net after they have been shot also practices eye-hand coordination. This material can be played individually (shooting and catching the ninjas yourself), but it can also be done in pairs. You can also choose to make it increasingly difficult. All six ninjas on the plank is of course more challenging than one ninja on the plank.

Creative play

Children are creative and sometimes want to use materials in other ways than originally intended. This material is also suitable for throwing ninjas at each other and another catches the ninja with the net.


In short, material to keep playing with and practice all kinds of things!