Letter game mat test in primary school by writing specialist
Author: Majella
Writing specialist
As a writing specialist, I regularly visit primary schools to work with children.
Last week I was allowed to try out the letter game mat. What a fun material that is! I tell the students that you play it like Twister, but with letters instead of colors. In groups of 4 children I introduce them to the game.
'Do you know a word with 3 letters?' is my first question. They can all think of that. Then I let them touch the right letters on the letter game mat with their hands and/or feet. They have to try to stay standing and usually they succeed.
When everyone has been , we move on to the 4-letter words . That is already quite difficult for some, so I help them a bit. The children discover in a playful way that it is quite difficult if you choose the first letter 'wrong'. I mean that there is a hand on a letter while in the second instance it would have been better to have been a foot first. Because yes, once a hand or foot has been placed down, we agreed that you are not allowed to change. And of course it also has to be in the right order.
Then it gets even more complicated, because 5 letters is quite a challenge . In addition, this round has to be done by two people. In turns, a letter is held in place with hand or foot. We discover that all letters are only on the mat once, so a word with a double letter is out of the question. And oops, if you need a letter on the other side of your classmate, how do you get there? It makes for hilarious scenes!
A very nice and playful material is this letter game mat to not only work on motor skills, but also on letters . The children all have a lot of fun with it and at the end they ask me: 'When are you coming back?'
This blog was written by Majella
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