Giant sorting set; classify and classify
Author: Bernarda Geurtzen
In order to organize all kinds of data, a child must learn to classify and categorize.
Classifying is the placing of data in groups already made by others . You decide in advance which toys should go where or that the comic books should not be in the bookcase but in the bedroom. You are the model and your child watches and imitates. Your child does not have to think about the classification.
Classifying is arranging materials into groups made by the child himself , which are then given names (color, size, type of fruit, same amount, etc.). It is important that your child indicates why the groups have been chosen that way and at least three groups must be made, with nothing left over.
A toy that can help with this is the 'Giant sorting set'.
With this set you can develop classifying* thinking skills together with your child in a playful way.
There is so much to choose from. Make a pre-selection if your child can't see the forest for the trees. Make sure that there are always at least 3 different types on the table, e.g. animals, fruit and vehicles. Of course, your child can also put at least 3 different types on the table. Alternate this so that you can always make new groups based on different criteria.
Now the trick is to follow the process as an adult and not want to exert any influence. No matter how illogical the groups may be formed. If your child has a correct explanation for it and nothing remains, then it is correct. It is precisely in following and letting go that you learn to know the ingenuity of your child. And then there are surprising outcomes that you yourself had not thought of.
* A thinking skill is a type of tool that enables children to understand the complexity of the world and to come up with solutions to problems.
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