Restless and overstimulated children - observation and relaxation
Author: Elisa Wegl
Founder of elja Gewichtstiere
The weight of the animals has a positive effect on you and your body
Whether you are studying, during or after an exciting day, sleeping or at the therapist: the heavy cuddly toys are your companions to more lightness.
Because the weight of the animals has a positive effect on you and your body.
You feel where your body begins and where it ends. This gives you stability and inner peace, a basis that allows you to concentrate better. Stimulating depth perception is relaxing.
There are many cuddly toys on the market, but the weight of the animals makes the big difference.
The weight of the animals will help you:
• To promote concentration
• To stimulate depth perception
• To relax
• To increase attention
• Sleep better
• To support the development of children
• To feel and experience
Game Suggestions & Support:
I am a mother and our youngest son was born with special perception. He is autistic. So I had to – or rather, I was allowed to – take special paths as a mother. We have been supporting our son for many years with a wide range of therapies. In sensory integration therapy, I was confronted with the importance of promoting depth perception and senses. On the advice of our therapist, I started looking for objects that were both heavy and soft. I couldn't find anything suitable, so I sewed a stuffed animal for my son myself and filled it with quartz sand. That was the birth of my first weight animal. I then showed them to our therapist. She was enthusiastic and encouraged me to sew for others as well, because many children, with and without disabilities, have a great need and feel that the heavy animals support and positively influence the development of the child. Our kindergarten said: "The weight animals are educationally valuable." I quickly realized the potential of my weight animals. The potential of the weight animals to support people in their depth perception and their own perception. The potential to give young and old real childlike joy and to integrate pedagogical and therapeutic methods into everyday life in a playful way. The potential to help my son and others move forward. As a stricken mother, I know first-hand what is important to help highly sensitive, overstimulated and/or restless children. All this went into product development and inspired me to create a variety of designs and their technical implementation. My vision took concrete form and is constantly evolving. I want to make a difference with my company on many levels and support people who need help with my weight animals.
• place it on your lap while studying at school or at home -> promotes concentration , helps you relax and calms you down

Body awareness
• place on the body -> promote depth perception . You feel where the body begins and where it ends, you see yourself better, which helps you to deal better with the outside world .

• a wonderful companion to relax . The weight animal rests with you and gives you support -> The weight causes a deep pressure on the body that gives the brain the same feeling as a soft hug

Roller board or rollerboard
• in combination with a rollerboard you can make wonderful games. For example, pull the turtle on the rollerboard and zoom with him on your back through the room -> positive physical experience through the use of strength and lots of fun

Swing for balancing effect
• With a swing or a swing cloth you can also stimulate another sense , namely the sense of balance . The stimulation of the sense of balance stimulates, the pulling, laying and pressing by the weight animal in turn reduces the state of excitement -> balancing effect

• in combination with a tunnel the weighted animal can be pulled or pushed through the tunnel –> fun factor and great regulation of body perception
• “Kneading” the weight animal promotes muscle tension and reduces stress
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